Fresh Creatives Celebration!

With the Fresh Creatives programme ending, Enterprise Central hosted an exciting networking event to showcase the impact and beneficiaries of the project!
From October 2023 to March 2024, Fresh Creatives supported ten individuals who identified as disabled or deaf to launch or grow their creative businesses. Delivered by Beacon Films at Enterprise Central, the program provided participants with tailored workshops, personalised coaching, and access to business resources.
The programme concluded with a bustling networking event that attracted a mix of creatives and local businesses. This provided a platform for the beneficiaries to share their creative journeys, the challenges they have overcome, and the skills they gained during the Fresh Creatives programme. More importantly, it allowed them to showcase their creative concepts or established businesses to a wider audience, potentially sparking new collaborations or attracting potential clients. The event itself fostered a vibrant atmosphere, perfect for participants to develop their public speaking skills and build connections with industry professionals.
Fresh Creatives' success has empowered 10 disabled and Deaf creators in Newcastle, leaving a lasting impact on both the participants and the city's creative sector. Stay tuned for exciting news about future creative projects!
Find out more about Fresh Creatives: