Digitalising our Town Centres
Retail businesses in Gateshead can access free digital skills support through the Digitalising Our Town Centres Programme.

What is Digitalising Our Town Centres?
Digitalising our Town Centres is a new innovative project funded by Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (GMBC). It aims to work with independent town centre traders from across Gateshead to improve digital skills, raise business awareness, increase business sales, and in turn increase footfall in the area.
Delivered by NEEAL (North East Enterprise Agencies Ltd), Digitalising our Town Centres is a fully funded programme to improve digital skills and increase trade and is available up to March 2025.

What's Involved?
1. Initial Diagnostic
You will meet with a business advisor to undertake an initial diagnostic. This looks at your business model, digital presence and other key areas.
2. Digital Audit
The business advisor will conduct a digital audit, reviewing the initial diagnostic findings and undertaking further research and analysis.
3. Action Plan
The business advisor will create an action plan for your business. They will then provide further support to help you implement any recommendations.

How to Get Involved!
Want to take part in the programme? Contact PNE via email at:
‘This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.’