Business With Purpose
Changemakers from Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland are invited to join NE BIC, Junction Point, PNE and Millin Charity to make a difference through enterprise.

Business With Purpose
Business With Purpose aims to support new socially trading organisations* to start up and get going, as well as established purpose-led organisations to increase their trading income and grow their impact.
We have two key offers available with flexibility built into their design to meet your unique needs:

Pre-start Support
This programme is for anyone who wants to make a self-sustaining difference. In other words, you want to generate income whilst achieving social impact.
Participants can expect a diagnostic meeting followed by a 12-hour training programme to help you:
- Explore and test your idea
- Learn business planning techniques and skills to decide if your idea is ready to launch
- Develop a tailored action plan to help you achieve your ambitions
- Explore different social business legal structures to find the right one for you
If by the end of the 12-hour training programme, you feel ready to continue pursuing your plan to the point of launch, you can access:
- Tailored 1-2-1 advice and guidance
- Support to help you register your new venture
- Further training opportunities

Growth Support
If you run a purpose-led organisation that needs support to help grow or diversify its income streams, this intensive support programme is for you. Whether you’re too reliant on grants or want to scale your operations, we can support you to increase your trading income.
Participants can expect a key account manager to ensure you get the end-to-end support programme suited to your needs. This could include:
- Diagnostic meeting and action planning support
- Tailored 1-2-1 advice and guidance from an expert relevant to your growth plan
- Business development training and support including:
- Writing business plans
- Developing marketing strategies
- Governance and legal structure reviews
- Leadership development
- Developing pitches and investment plans
To find out more about our Growth programme and to book your place, visit the North East BIC website or Get in Touch today.
*Socially Trading Organisations means: any business legal structure that combines income generation and making a difference. This could include: Social Enterprises, Purpose-Led Organisations, Co-ops, Sole Traders, Community Interest Companies, Limited Companies, Community Land Trusts, Family Businesses, Community Businesses etc. We are not looking to support Charitable organisations whose primary source of income is, and plans to remain, grant or donation based.
‘This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.’